Great brands leave an indelible impression on consumers through the clever use of visual clues, or mnemonics, such as the Choices Flooring name, logo and brand marque.
Whilst the Choices Flooring brand has these attributes, it also has the inherent promise of our core brand idea and what we offer consumers – choices. More surface choices, more contemporary colours and patterns, more versatile textures and more ways to help our consumers find the floor they’ve been searching for… Without the hassle of travelling all over town.

At Choices Flooring we believe in strongly supporting our associated brands at every consumer touch point, from research through to purchase stages.
That’s why we invest heavily in focused Choices Flooring marketing strategies that consistently engage and drive consumers into our member retail stores.
It starts with our impactful and highly memorable television and online campaign commercials. The emotion and energy of these commercials are unique to the category.
From television and online, these campaigns seamlessly roll into other advertising mediums, including radio, press, catalogue and additional online channels, to provide consumers with a seamless brand experience, at both a national and a local level.
Consumer spending habits regularly change throughout the years, depending upon environmental, political, and personal events. We try to anticipate these changes and emerging trends early to launch initiatives that will assist our foundation for the future.
Traditionally each year the Marketing and Online Team rollout several integrated marketing communication campaigns on behalf of their Choices Flooring member retailers.
A combination of price point and branding call to actions, each campaign has a mix of advertising, which ranges from television, press and radio, to billboards and online.
At Choices Flooring we also have an internal studio made up of multimedia, photographic and design capabilities.
Our dedicated marketers and designers on staff mean we not only save our retail members time and money, we also have an intimate understanding of the industry as opposed to outside agencies.
The marketing at Choices Flooring is innovative and effective, which is why each year we have key industry bodies wanting to work and advertise with us.