When consumers come looking, we ensure our member retailers have the right product mix at all the right price points.
No matter how big or small the opportunity, our dedicated Commercial Management Team assist in managing the best results for all parties.

We achieve this by comprehensive up-front planning, ongoing relationship management, personalised marketing, product support and cost controls.

Apart from being aligned to most major insurers, our Commercial Management Team also assist in supporting small to large scale retail, hospitality, home builder, healthcare, corporate and facility partnerships and projects.

At Choices Flooring, our coverage to support commercial projects and customers is integral to our success. With over one-hundred-and-forty-member retail stores across Australia and New Zealand, our local knowledge, teamed with our Australasian strength, provides peace of mind across all projects. Furthermore, our workflow management software combined with our personalised marketing, product support, installations and site inspections ensure that we are a full-service commercial provider.

At Choices Flooring, we pride ourselves on providing the best products and service for all our commercial partnerships.